Some of the Things I Love: Public Speaking
Though it's been said that many people fear public speaking more than they fear dying, I love speaking to a live audience about topics that inspire me and can make a big, positive difference in peoples’ lives.
I recently gave a talk on leadership at the West Point Club and had the honor of sharing the stage with former astronaut Col. Buzz Aldrin and Lt. Gen. Russell Honore for the West Point Leadership Speakers Academy. Working hard to prepare that presentation for the attendees and to share my thoughts on leadership and creating value for others was a privilege, and something I love to do.

Jeff with Buzz Aldrin

Jeff with Lt. Gen. Russell Honore
I also had the pleasure of giving a talk at a wonderful educational and networking event in our industry, The Northeast Florida Postal Customer Council Breakfast Meeting in Jacksonville, and I continue to seek out more opportunities to write and speak on subjects that motivate me.
I highly suggest that business owners, entrepreneurs, and all those who want to make a difference in others’ lives take the time to create talks on subjects that highlight your unique combination of experiences, talents, and gifts. Then put your message out there…publicly! It can energize you and inspire others!